8th January

The party rested outside the dungeon, still shocked by the brutal death of one of their own. Regardless, they have not recovered any treasure and will not give up until they do. Once again, they go down through the trap-door, carefully making their way down the corridor they have not explored yet. They pass a T-intersection and reach a chamber with a broken bridge across a deep pit. In the faint torch-light they vaguely see shapes moving on the other side, but since they don’t have any means of getting across they turn back.

Turning left at the intersection they pass a door but continue onwards until they reach the end of the corridor. There they listen at another unassuming wooden door and don’t hear anything inside.

They carfully open the door and take a look around. The room is huge with an old wooden table in the center. Someone stacked a bunch of barrels on one wall, but upon closer inspection they reveal themselves to be empty. Since this room appears to not contain anything interesting, the party returns to the door they passed by.

Inside they discover three of the mutant frogs. This time however, they hold a choke point and the party prepares to fight. Auciell and Cilia block the doorway and hold the frogs back while Zadwigus and Ealard finish them with sling and bow. Cilia gets pretty heavily wounded during the fight, but in the end the group manages to slay the beasts.

Inside the room, they find the mangled remains of a corpse. Near it lies a bag filled with 400 silver and 40 gold coins and six gemstones. Examing them they determine that these are worth 1800 gold.

The group decides to retreat to the surface and rest.