1st January
The Black Rangers start out in the small town Dusty Vanau, at the edge of the great empire. They set out east and head into the wilderness.
The characters enter marshland, in which they find a small hamlet called Anna Mall. Five peasant houses are built around a small chapel, dedicated to a local god.
The party continues east, still inside the marhlands and encounter a group of 24 skeletons. Since the skeletons have the advantage of greater numbers, the party decides to evade the skeletons. However, they notice tracks leading to a lair of 20 vampires. This lair is also where the skeletons came from, they are probably servants raised by the vampires. The party decides to not go closer.
Unbeknownst to the party, the lair contains treasure: 3000 platinum pieces, 3 unknown magic items and a potion and a scroll.
It’s evening and the party decides to camp in a secure spot.